The IHC is a collection of leading professional associations within the field of integrated healthcare, supported by other organisations and stakeholders with expertise in the field.
Core Members
IHC Core Members are leading professional associations that combine their expertise and knowledge to determine and drive our work. Each plays a key role in helping us take forward and achieve our aims and objectives.
Our democratic structure ensures that every member has an equal and valued voice.
Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH)
The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH) was established in 2001 to register and regulate practising homeopaths. We consider it to be essential that registered homeopaths have the skills necessary to deliver safe, effective healthcare to their patients. To help achieve this:
We work with the homeopathy course providers to ensure the availability of quality training in homeopathy.
To facilitate the delivery of a high standard of care to their patients, we encourage our members to extend their knowledge-base, develop their professional skills, and expand their overall understanding of homeopathy. We believe that meaningful CPD activities help individuals to grow and develop on both a personal, and a professional, level.
We share experience and expertise across the profession, and beyond, by publishing a high quality journal, Homeopathy in Practice. This journal keeps our members up-to-date with current issues, and actively promotes research initiatives which push beyond the current boundaries of our knowledge and understanding of homeopathy.
We run an email-based discussion forum, through which our members can share news, views and expertise. This forum provides a rich resource of valuable information.
We encourage our members to build a robust evidence-base by self-auditing their clinical practice, in order to record and analyse the effectiveness of the treatment they deliver.
We award generous bursaries to help train the next generation of homeopaths.
We champion the rights of patients to have ongoing access to quality homeopathy, and we collaborate with colleagues who actively promote homeopathy and other CAM disciplines to the public.
We work with decision-makers within UK healthcare provision, to help deliver better healthcare for patients.
Association of Energy Therapists (AET)
The Association of Energy Therapists (AET) is an association especially for qualified energy therapists. The association was established to act as a network and hub to enable the dissemination of knowledge and updates for energy therapists and health workers as well as members of the public. The association seeks to encourage a collegial atmosphere via which our practitioners can learn and enrich one another in order to produce the highest quality of integrated energy treatments to the public. Via its network, the AET aims to be a point of contact for members of the public seeking treatment from professionally qualified experienced energy practitioners. The intention has always been that for the association is run by volunteers to ensure a neutral, democratic approach and not to be influenced by commercial gain. The association is a not for profit association run by members for members.
Association of Reflexologists (AoR)
The Association of Reflexologists (AoR) is a not a profit membership organisation that support their members in their roles as reflexologists. Set up in 1984 it has supported over 30,000 reflexologists nationally and internationally during that time.
Historically the AoR were involved in the setting of the National occupational standards (NOS) and core curriculum for reflexology, both of which provided the foundation for the level 3 qualification on Qualification and Credits Framework (QCF). The AoR were also highly involved in the creation of voluntary regulation for complementary therapies that became the CNHC.
The aim is that our members will be the best reflexologists they can be; with advice, support and training underpinning our ‘Delivering excellence in reflexology’ mission statement.
Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (ATCM)
The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (UK) (ATCM) is a professional organisation established in 1994 by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Practitioners. The major founding members include the famous TCM practitioner Dr Dinghui Luo and Dr Shouming Zhong. The primary objective of setting up ATCM was to establish an organisation for TCM practitioners to exchange academic and practical experience, to unite them under this organisation to strive to obtain legal recognition in the UK.
The number of TCM practitioners have been increasing over the years, and the ATCM’s objective has become more ambitious. In November 2003, the ATCM merged with the British Society of Chinese Medicine (established 2001) and Zhong Shan Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Association (established 1987), becoming a bigger and more representative professional organisation while maintaining high professional standards.
The ATCM has made great contributions in the regulation of TCM practitioners in the UK. The association has defined terms of tenure for its Executive Council members, has an office with a group of staff and has established Code of Practice and Code of Professional Conduct for TCM practitioners and other regulatory documents.
We maintain high professional standards and we are a well-known professional organisation in the UK. The ATCM is a democratic organisation. We hold Executive Council members election every 2 to 3 years. The Executive Council consists of 7-9 members. The Executive Council elects a President, whose tenure is 2-3 years. The Executive Council members form a cabinet. Members of the Executive Council are assigned to oversee different committees.
The ATCM has also established a Traditional Chinese Medicine Accreditation Board. Six TCM and acupuncture teaching institutions are accredited by the Board.
British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA)
The British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) is an umbrella organisation for multi discipline complementary medicine, ranging from bodywork to energy healing.
The BCMA, formed in 1992, evolved from the National Consultative Council for Complementary Medicine (NCC), which had established itself as the leading authority in the field by helping therapists in all aspects of their work.
The BCMA operates a system of voluntary self-regulation with a Code of Conduct, Complaints Procedure and Disciplinary Procedure, which are mandatory for all members and their practitioners.
All applicants undergo an investigation to ensure that they have a satisfactory standard of education and training as part of the entry requirements. A minimum level of Public Liability Insurance is also a requirement, as is a requirement for Continuing Professional Development for members. The BCMA maintains a Practitioner Register for referrals of qualified practitioners to the public.
British Reflexology Association (BRA)
The British Reflexology Association was founded in 1985 to act as a representative body for those practising the method of Reflexology as a profession and for students training in the method. The Association also aims to help promote the practice of Reflexology in Great Britain and abroad. The association produces a newsletter four times a year and holds lecture days.
There are four categories of membership:
Fellow membership (persons elected by the Board who have distinguished themselves in the profession of Reflexology or who have rendered any conspicuous service to the Association).
Ordinary membership (for those who have passed examinations from the official teaching body and are practising reflexology as a profession – all ordinary members have insurance cover and have to carry out CPD).
Associate membership (for those who have passed examinations from the official teaching body but are not practising reflexology as a profession).
Student membership (for those undergoing a course of training with the official teaching body).
The official teaching body of the British Reflexology Association is The Bayly School of Reflexology.
Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR)
The Chinese Medical Institute and Register (CMIR) is professional association founded in 1994 in collaboration with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. The CMIR represents comprehensive Chinese Medicine as practised in China. We have a register of practitioners trained in syndrome acupuncture, Chinese differential diagnosis techniques and Chinese Herbal prescription. All of our registrants are either conventional medicine doctors or healthcare professionals from the EU or China trained doctors with more than 7 years of training and clinical practice.
All CMIR members abide by a set code of practice and the register provides a forum for academic exchange and public awareness of the benefits and development of Chinese medicine. By focusing on high standard educational projects and coordinating international research projects, we aim to raise the level of practice, education, and research of Chinese medicine and acupuncture to ensure its safety and effectiveness on a global scale.
The CMIR, in partnership with the AcuMedic Foundation, organises educational post-graduate and CPD courses in Chinese Medicine taught by highly experienced Chinese Doctors at our base in London. We have strong affiliations with prestigious Universities in China such as Beijing University, Guangzhou University and Guangxi University which we use to organise medical trips to China and courses. The CMIR is a member of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (Beijing) and the Chinese Medical Council.
Craniosacral Therapy Association (CSTA)
The Craniosacral Therapy Association of the United Kingdom (CSTA) is a charitable incorporated organisation. It is the largest craniosacral therapy regulator/professional body in the UK and accrediting body of trainings to ensure standards. Its three charitable objects are :
To contribute to the advancement of health through the study and practice of craniosacral therapy and through the provision of an organisation for persons engaged in the study and practice of craniosacral therapy.
To ensure the advancement of health by prescribing the standards of competence and suitability for the election of applicants to membership, and by regulating training organisations accredited by CSTA, in order to maintain standards of training and supervision and to establish and uphold a code of ethics for entry into the profession.
To promote the education of the public in the philosophy and practice of craniosacral therapy (CST) and to act as a stimulus for persons undertaking research concerning craniosacral therapy.
The CSTA was originally borne in 1989. Early priorities were the creation of our Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice and a complaints procedure. In more recent years, the CSTA began to focus on relevant research to demonstrate the effectiveness of the work.
The change of the status of the CSTA to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) was voted in by its members in 2014. Each activity carried out by the CSTA is led by a separate committee specialising in that area, with oversight and steer from the trustees. All decisions are taken collectively and transparently, and to act in the interests of the organisation and for the public good. As a membership organisation, we are accountable and genuinely listen to members. Despite all the changes and growth the CSTA is still largely run by volunteers and near-volunteers.
Founded in 1844 and incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1950, the Faculty of Homeopathy is one of the longest established homeopathic organisations in the world. The Faculty has long been recognised as the pre-eminent membership organisation for statutorily regulated healthcare professionals who integrate homeopathy within their practice.
Although based in the UK, the Faculty is an international and multidisciplinary organisation, embracing a wide range of healthcare professionals. Faculty members are medical professionals who are qualified and trained in both conventional medicine and homeopathic medicine. This provides them with a unique perspective on healthcare and allows them to effectively integrate these various disciplines.
In addition to membership activities, the Faculty has an academic role, providing internationally recognised training pathways in homeopathy for doctors, dentists, pharmacists, veterinary surgeons and other statutorily regulated healthcare professionals. These educational standards are widely considered to be the gold standard for training worldwide.
The Faculty actively promotes homeopathy within public, professional and political circles alike, defending the discipline and maintaining awareness of this effective and safe system of medicine. The Faculty also has a robust system of quality assurance in place and is a General Medical Council (GMC) “Designated Body”, offering annual appraisals to doctors and making recommendations about the revalidation of doctors to the GMC.
In partnership with Thieme Medical Publishers, the Faculty publishes the popular international research journal, “Homeopathy”, the only MEDLINE listed, peer reviewed journal solely devoted to Homeopathy.
The Faculty’s mission statement is “To promote and support the highest standards of practice, education and research in homeopathy”. In 2019 the Faculty celebrated 175 years since its original founding, a milestone marked by the announcement of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as Patron of the organisation.
General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN)
The GCRN can trace its roots back to 1920. Along with its membership, it is committed to the continued expansion and accessibility of the naturopathic profession and maintaining the highest educational standards amongst its members. All whilst promoting the use and understanding of Naturopathy amongst the general public and other health professional.
The GCRN vision and mission includes:
To establish within the UK a framework whereby naturopaths work respectfully and collaborate alongside conventional doctors, offering an alternative primary health care path for those who want it.
To maintain our traditional naturopathic roots while embracing modern technological advances in naturopathic care.
To create a world where Naturopathic Medicine is recognised as a viable, sustainable and bone fide option in primary care medicine.
International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA)
The International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA) is the first governing body for aromatherapy established in 1985. Our long-standing reputation in the field, wealth of experience and supportive network enables us to deliver a specialist service to our registrants. Set up for the safety of the public, we have been a registered charity since 1986. The IFA has high professional standards of training and pioneered aromatherapy in the NHS, hospices and care professions, which is why it is as accepted by the UK medical profession as it is today. We provide a register of aromatherapists who engage in evidence-based practice which has been approved as an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA), a UK body accountable to Parliament. Having worked with various government health committees to improve the practice of aromatherapy worldwide, the IFA is actively involved with elevating academic standards and influencing policy in the CAM field.
As part of our charitable objectives to extend the knowledge and integration of aromatherapy worldwide, the IFA is extensively involved in supporting other charities and initiate charity projects as part of rehabilitation and care programmes having helped over 50 other charities in the past decade. We are committed to raising awareness and offer current, scientific and empirical information on aromatherapy.
Our membership of the IHC will benefit our members, the profession, and also learn from, and share good practice with IHC members. With the shift towards a more integrative approach to healthcare gaining momentum, and the former All-Party Parliamentary Group for Integrated Healthcare (PGIH) urging the government to embrace complementary, traditional and natural medicine to ease the mounting burden being placed on the NHS – we believe the need for a collaborative approach is more essential than ever.
International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)
In January 1991 around 8 kinesiologists met at the TFH Centre and decided to start the Kinesiology Federation. The KF did not evolve from the British Touch for Health Association as is often supposed, the KF developed as a direct result of individuals coming together and seeing a need to achieve professional status for kinesiologists in light of proposed EC legislation. The first national meeting of the Kinesiology Federation took place in London on Friday October 11th 1991.
In 1994 Jeremy Glyn (Vice Chair) wrote an open letter to members, which is still relevant to the way KF works today, where he described the ‘organisational style’ of the KF and the kind of organisation we wanted to create, with the chair and committee members acting as “servant leaders” for the KF and avoiding an autocratic leadership style.
In June 1994 – the KF Executive Committee authorised the use of the letters KFRP (Kinesiology Federation Registered Practitioner). At the AGM in April 1995 the membership voted unanimously to accept a detailed proposal on the future professional training requirements of 510 notional hours to qualify as KFRP, made up of:
1. KF Foundation Syllabus – 60 notional hours 2. One Branch of kinesiology taken to an advanced level – 240 to 300 notional hours (If your chosen branch of kinesiology does not have 40 days of professional training, the hours can be made up from one other branch of kinesiology, but you must first take all the professional training on offer in your first choice branch.) 3. Non-kinesiology core subjects – 210 notional hours (now 225 notional hours).
McTimoney Chiropractic Association (MCA)
The MCA (and its forerunner, the Institute of Pure Chiropractic) was formed in 1978 to represent graduates of the McTimoney College of Chiropractic. In 1994 the association was renamed the McTimoney Chiropractic Association (MCA). It is one of four professional chiropractic associations in the UK.
In 2010 the MCA joined with the Scottish Chiropractic Association and the United Chiropractic Association to form the Alliance of UK Chiropractors (AUKC) which represents the largest chiropractic group in the UK. The MCA, together with our AUKC partners is dedicated to the protection, unity and strengthening of the Chiropractic profession in the UK with an emphasis on education and promotion of an evidence based, patient centred approach.
As a professional association, our number 1 priority is our members and we provide both professional and pastoral support to make sure our members are always up-to-date and ready to deal with the constant challenges facing the modern health care professional.
The MCA engages at multi-levels representing our members at various fora- from chiropractic patient groups to the Statutory Regulator the GCC, Department of Health and NHS England.
PR is also an important part of our work, promoting and encouraging our unique kind of chiropractic care. In addition to a range of activities to achieve this it is currently the main sponsor of a national professional ice hockey team allowing us to demonstrate and promote the benefits of chiropractic in sport.
The MCA offers an unrivalled package of benefits to our members including; high quality CPD, yearly conference with international speakers, bespoke professional insurance, HR support, dispute resolution service, clinic merchandise and stationery, professional workwear and a dedicated team of chiropractors and support staff on hand 365 days of the year.
National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH)
The Shiatsu Society UK was set up in 1981 as a forum for communication between people interested in and practising Shiatsu. Since then we have grown to be the leading professional organisation dedicated to Shiatsu in the UK.
We are committed to:
Expanding awareness of Shiatsu.
Establishing and maintaining the highest professional standards of practice for Shiatsu in the UK.
Overseeing and accrediting Shiatsu education to ensure excellence in training.
Representing the interests of our Shiatsu practitioners.
Funding evidence-based clinical research on Shiatsu.
Participating with government recognised regulators in voluntary regulation of Shiatsu in the UK.
Promoting integrated healthcare and contributing to the development of national healthcare policy.
The Shiatsu Society holds a Register of Professional Practitioners. All Registered Practitioners have completed an approved level of training, follow our Code of Conduct and Ethics and are fully insured. Training in Shiatsu to professional membership level (MrSS) takes a minimum of three years.
Through our Ratification of Schools scheme, which allows graduates of Ratified Schools direct entry onto the Register of Professional Practitioners of Shiatsu, we monitor and maintain standards of professional practice and we encourage best practice in learning and teaching. We also have a robust procedure for registering practitioners from overseas or from non-ratified schools.
We facilitate communication within the Shiatsu community with our quarterly journal, a fortnightly news bulletin, public and members only Facebook pages, and Twitter & Instagram accounts. Our website www.shiatsusociety.org provides information on where to find practitioners and training as well as news, articles and detail on the styles of Shiatsu practised in the UK. We run as a Limited Company: Board members range from new graduates to experienced and internationally known teachers.
Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)
The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) was founded in the UK in 1958 by teachers trained by FM Alexander. There are currently over 2500 teaching members of STAT and its Affiliated Societies world-wide. The main objectives of STAT are to:
provide the highest standards of teacher training and professional practice.
promote public awareness and understanding of the Alexander Technique.
encourage research.
STAT publishes a regular newsletter (STATNews) and The Alexander Journal.
Teaching members are registered (MSTAT) to teach the Technique after successfully completing a STAT-approved three-year training course (1600 hours of supervised training plus own study time). Teachers who have trained with other professional Alexander Technique organisations can become STAT members if they are successful in passing the society’s panel assessment process. Teachers registered with STAT are required to adhere to the Society’s published Code of Professional Conduct and Competence, are DBS checked and are covered by professional indemnity insurance. STAT members have the option to register with The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC).
STAT is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registration number: 5533966, and has a written Constitution that is available on request.
The U.K. Reiki Federation was set up in 1999. It is managed by volunteers except for an Office Manager.
The success of UKRF has been through its group of volunteers who are part of the 13 strong management committee and cover areas such as animal Reiki, publicity, accounts, education, international work and decision making. These individuals are voted on in the Annual General Meeting in May each year and serve a three-year term.
In addition to the management team, there are local representatives who serve around the country and help to raise awareness of Reiki in each county of the U.K and are crucial to the work undertaken by the Federation.
We are now the largest Reiki organisation in Europe, and our aims are to attain the highest possible level of professionalism in three areas:
• Education and Training.
• Animal Reiki.
• Research.
We continue to raise the level of Reiki training and deliver to the highest possible standard so that anyone who uses our members can be assured of the best possible service.
In addition, we also accredit professionals and courses so show that individuals have met set standards by both the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) for Reiki and that of their own organisation when assessing courses that train Reiki professionals.
The UK Reiki Federation (UKRF) are presently working with hospitals in the UK, where they are working alongside clinicians and medical professionals and see this as vital research in ensuring Reiki is accepted in today’s NHS.
It is initiatives like Connecting Reiki with Medicine that are vital to the success not only of our organisation but the country as a whole.
Associate Members
Our Associate Members are other major organisations within the field, who are not professional associations, but who share our vision for integrated healthcare. They work in partnership with our Core Members to help IHC achieve its aims and objectives.
Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) is the UK voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners that was set up in 2008 with government funding and support. Our key purpose is to protect the public.
We do this by providing an independent register of complementary healthcare practitioners who have met UK standards for safe and competent practice. CNHC registrants work in private practice, the NHS and a wide range of other health and care settings. We register complementary health practitioners from sixteen professions.
We set the standards that practitioners need to meet to get onto and then stay on the register. All CNHC registrants have agreed to be bound by the highest standards of conduct. They are professionally trained and fully insured to practise. We investigate complaints about alleged breaches of our Code of Conduct, Ethics and Performance, mirroring as far as practicable statutory regulation.
We make the case to government and a wide range of organisations for the use of complementary healthcare to enhance the UK’s health and wellbeing. We seek to influence policy wherever possible to increase access to the disciplines we register. We are committed to being proportionate, accountable, consistent, targeted and transparent.
We are also committed to:
• respect the principles of equality and diversity
• be professional and strive for excellence
• take pride in delivering quality and value for money
• be accessible to all who meet, or seek to meet our standards
• apply good employment practice
CNHC is the holder of an Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.
Homeopathy UK was founded in 1902 as the British Homeopathic Association. We are the United Kingdom’s leading homeopathic charity committed to the promotion and practice of homeopathy. We want homeopathy to be available for everyone who needs it, and offer affordable high-quality healthcare from our network of charitable clinics. Homeopathy UK also funds research and training for homeopaths and medical professionals.
Our mission:
to build greater awareness and use of homeopathy as an effective healthcare choice
to promote homeopathy and its practice
to fund research and training for homeopathic practitioners and medical professionals
to ensure that government, decision makers and healthcare professionals understand the benefits of homeopathy
We currently have 4 UK clinics offering free and low-cost treatment and plan to open more in the coming year. Homeopathy UK also helps fund a special clinic for survivors of domestic abuse in the South East of England and a service for asylum seekers in Wales.
We work hard to share accessible but high-quality information about homeopathy using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as via traditional media channels. Homeopathy UK hosts regular events and talks. We also commission research and surveys about people's experiences of homeopathy.
The promotion of research into homeopathy is an important part of our work. Homeopathy UK funds a number of research projects via our grants program as well as collecting data from our network of charitable clinics.
The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists is one of the largest aromatherapy specific professional practitioner organisations in the UK, involved in supporting aromatherapists and improving standards of education and practice in aromatherapy. We are growing internationally by encouraging and supporting aromatherapy training in many other countries.
The IFPA is a registered charity in the UK. We believe wholeheartedly in the principles and philosophies of holistic health, and the promotion of well-being for the individual. These principles and beliefs are the foundations of the IFPA’s aims and objectives for its members, together with its strong code of ethics and practice.
IFPA was established in 2002, following the merging of two smaller, predecessor organisations (ISPA and RQA). We have just over 2,000 members, most of whom hold diplomas from IFPA accredited schools. Ensuring high quality aromatherapy education is part of our core work and we currently accredit 58 schools. These are mostly in the UK, with some based internationally.
The IFPA is run by a Board of Trustees (volunteers), which includes a Chair and Vice Chair. We also employ a small team of paid office staff.

The National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) is the United Kingdom’s leading professional body and voluntary regulator of herbal practitioners.
The Institute promotes the benefits, the efficacy and the safe use of herbal medicine. Our members treat hundreds of thousands of patients every year. By choosing a NIMH member as your herbal medicine practitioner you can be confident of their high standards of training and professional conduct.
The Institute carries out a range of activities that help ensure NIMH members offer the highest standards of herbal medicine practice.
The Institute undertakes key functions:
Maintains a Register of individual members.
Sets the profession’s educational standards.
Runs an accreditation system for training establishments.
Maintains mandatory programmes of professional development.
Provides codes of conduct, ethics and practice.
Operates complaints and disciplinary procedures.
Represents the profession, patients and the public through participation in external processes such as regulation of the profession and herbal medicine.
Ensures that all NIMH Members have professional indemnity, public liability and medical malpractice insurance.
Operates a mandatory comprehensive block insurance scheme.
The organisation has a long and illustrious history. It was first established as the National Association of Medical Herbalists in 1864 by a group of herbalists from the north of England. Today the National Institute of Medical Herbalists has members throughout the United Kingdom and internationally.

The Society of Homeopaths was founded in 1978 and has 1,200 registered members (RSHoms) across the UK.
We are a membership organisation governed by a board of directors, which consists of six homeopaths elected by members, together with three lay members, appointed for their expertise in specific areas.
Our central office provides management and administrative support for Society activities, and is the first port of call for enquiries from both members, and the public.
We are actively engaged in the promotion of high standards of training through a scheme for accrediting good quality training courses.
Before joining our register as qualified homeopaths, members complete rigorous training (normally three years full time or four years part time) with one of our accredited course providers. On registering, they sign up to a stringent Code of Ethics and Practice, agree to practise in accordance with strict occupational standards and criteria and undertake an ongoing programme of continuing professional development.
We work with other interested organisations to help promote homeopathy and to ensure that information about homeopathy is accurate and fairly represented, including 4Homeopathy and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
The Society of Homeopaths Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered No. 01392004). It is also a not-for-profit organisation.